Sunday, January 2, 2011

Are you my mommy?

So, this morning, Gramma got up and turned on my lamps, made something to drink, and sat down.  A little while later, Mommy got up, made something to drink, made me some breakfast (which I was not interested in) and sat down with Gramma.  She tried to give me a bath, but I was not having that either.  Baths and breakfast were not on my agenda for this morning.

Anyways, Mom gets up, talks to me for a minute, which I also was not interested in, and left the room.  Next thing you know, she's wearing all black (whatever that is), and leaves.  Did I see her all day?  Nope.  Just Gramma, and she was kind enough to move my heat lamp to my step-brothers' tank, and back to mine so we could share the warmth.  She didn't taunt me with yellow thing today, thankfully.

I did finally eat some squash and spinach out of anger because Mom was gone.  All day.  All she does is work, and I don't even know what work is!

Anyways, when she came home, I was one of the first people she greeted.  The cats wanted to eat, so she thought it would be funny to put me in the cat food dish.  They smelled me, but didn't eat me.  Obviously, or I wouldn't be updating.  I don't think she would've let them hurt me anyways.

I think that's about it...  Gramma, squash, spinach, heat, yellow thing, and Mom at work.  Yep, got it all!

Does it say "Cat Chow" on my shell?!

My favourite place: with Mommy <3

Peace&Love, Steve

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