Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hump day...

Once again, Mom had to work.  But as usual, she woke up, gave me my warm morning bath, put my light on, and it was superb.  I love how she does these little things for me.

And she bought me a present!  Since I love the colour yellow (it's my favourite) she bought me a squash!  She cut it up into tasty tortoise morsels, and it's beautiful!  I didn't eat it right away, I knew I'd eat it all so quickly and it'd be gone.  When I finally got to it, I swear, it was the best thing I've ever eaten.  It's yellow, and it's just absolutely to -die- for!  Definitely my favourite!  In addition to the squash, grandma cut up some spinach leaves for me.  I love spinach.  Then I ate some of my hay, and I'm exhausted.  Today has been exciting, with new food, warm baths, and lots of love.

I think it's nap time until I decide to rearrange my hay again.  My weigh in and measuring will be Saturday.  I'm looking forward to this!

The squash was so good, I had to just lay in the dish and relax with it for a few minutes.

You can't see it, but there is squash in my little tortoise mouth.  So delish, you must try it!

Over and out, Steve!

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